Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
Or its pure envy
I am not envious of tories

I don't like tories and I don't associate with tories as I don't like the way tories think

Conservatives are inherently selfish

I am envious of the lead guitarist of tool who is incredibly talented

I cannot be envious of people who think of the coin before peoples health and welfare

Javid talked a good game and spouted hot air after the grenfell disaster but he's full of crap and did nothing about it . He's a tory politician . Its what they are good at .

I wouldn't want to be a chancer like that and could never ever be envious of people who are like that

I couldn't care less that his dad was working class , the blokes a thatcher tory boy

Hes the same as Johnson, Patel , Gove and the other vampires