Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
There’s a lot of propaganda to unpack here, so I’ll keep it simple.

U.K. literally in Kabul saving lives - what has that got to do with the foreign secretary being absent and not doing his job?

More people in work than ever - if you look at zero hour contracts etc maybe, but let’s wait until furlough ends and see if that holds up.

Immigration is rising - our net immigration is about the same as it’s always been. Which is miniscule in terms of our overall population and adds a net positive to our country when you see we have an ageing population with decreasing birth rates.
1- He clearly is doing his job isnt he, as these things dont happen without co-ordination from the top. Thats my point.

2 - Zero Hour contracts represent a small number of posts, and suit some people and dont suit others.

3 - Immigration since the 2000's is way higher than it used to be. The link i posted showed that. I dont disagree at all on the benefits, although I do agree in managed migration and not a laissez-faire solution.