Quote Originally Posted by Ninian1962 View Post
The players don`t become free agents - that only happens in a Liquidation. One of the problems the Administrators will have is how to reduce the wage bill as no-one can be sold outside the transfer window and players are highly unlikely to agree to a cancellation of their contracts. One strategy used before in football club Administration is to try and do a deal with players , paying up part of their future contract income - this reduces the longer term club liability (making it more attractive for a buyer), gives the player some immediate cash and leaves them free to join a club with no transfer fee involved in January.

All football debts have to be paid in full . including transfer fee instalments and player wages (subject to a deal being done as above) and all secured creditors also paid so that a creditor with a charge over the ground or other assets either gets paid off or the debt taken on by the new owner. Also all non-secured non football debts have to be paid at least 25% of the amounts they are owed. Only if the above conditions are met can a club come out of Administration. Otherwise it will have to go into liquidation like Bury.
Bury haven’t gone into liquidation. They are currently in administration (just checked on Companies House), but I expect it’s a technicality as there’s not much left.