Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
In the coming years, I would anticipate:
Rising wages
Greater housing affordability
Greater infiltration and engagement with faster growing global economies
GDP to rise slightly faster than typical in the previous years
Lower unemployment than in the last 10-20 years
Greater emphasis on manufacturing
A more dynamic R&D sector
Greater investment in public services.
A more interventionist form of economic management
A more dynamic, agile and faster moving govt
Greater investments in workplace training, apprenticeships etc

Ultimately we have left a club that contains Germany, France, Spain, Italy et al and joined one that contains South Korea, Japan, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland et al.

In or out of the EU will make far less positive or negative impact than people think, as the foundations of a strong economy are rooted in other issues, but on balance I think Britain will do better and I do think society and the economy will be fairer and more balanced.
Laughable. Most, if not all of that, is complete tripe.

It's complete conjecture from you. What expertise are you drawing upon to spout such utter rubbish?