It tickles me how obsessed Tory sympathisers are with people "taking the piss" out of the benefit system: are they envious? If you can't beat them, join them but understand these so called "benefit scroungers" are willing to accept a much lower quality of life than most of us would want for ourselves.

Someone mentioned theres about £69 billion going to waste on benefit fraud but how do they think they would personally benefit if that were eradicated? If they think the Tories would put it to good use then they are surely going to be sorely disappointed. That money would likely end up in Tory friends and donor's pockets.

The reality is there always has been and always will be a sub class of unemployed and unemployable people but the difference is that in the past those people and their family either perished or turned to crime and prostitution to survive. Looking at it that way, I reckon that £69 billion is a fair investment in order to keep us all safer and happier.