Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
It’s obviously a shocking event and yes things seem to have become a bit more extreme in recent years, and the vital skill of disagreeing but getting by is sparse. But your username suggests you are in the US, and as far as I can tell you guys are in the middle of a slow burning civil war. God knows what the results of the next election will cause.

It’s not that bad here yet. Covid hasn’t helped as it’s eroded the social structure of the country, but I’ve been heartened in recent weeks by the generally civil manner in which we’ve generally navigated things like extinction rebellion etc. From the outside looking in, the US looks like a powder keg waiting to blow, in particular due to the way that vaccination has become politicised (despite the Donald himself having the jab). We have serious issues to deal with and hopefully some of the issues around fair pay will come in to sharp focus now, but I think we are a long way off the death of civil debate here.
It is bonkers over here Mate.
The politicization of The vaccine and Mask Wearing just baffles me.

I do think though, that the whole Western World is emersed in the same Cultural Civil War.
It's no longer just a traditional Left v Right situation....you can throw the Intersectionality powder keg into the mix as well.

The language used towards others on this board alone (Myself very much included) is terrible.
Accusations of bigotry and facism are thrown about frivolously on Social Media.

Maybe the answer is to have to register with ID to use Social Media.