I've been double jabbed, flu jab, wear a mask in shops, use hand gel when out and generally been very careful trying to protect myself and others.

I have however got young Grandkids at infant school and nursery who I see occasionally.

Last Friday night my throat felt like I'd been strangled, couldn't swallow, incredibly sore and painful, Sat no voice, coughing repeatedly, no sense of smell, thumping headache. Did a Lat Flow test and negative. Sunday worse and again neg Lat Flow but booked and took a PCR.

Monday morning get message saying pos PCR. Repeat Lat Flow and again neg so suspect dodgy Lat Flow batch.

Now self isolating at home in one room and coughing like hell.

My message. Be very careful, I consider myself an active, pretty fit 67 year old but this has flattened me and horrible.

I had been going into shops and really disappointed at the many people not wearing masks. Did I get this there?

No idea how I got this and no reports from the relevant schools and nurseries to make me think that was the root.

As a society it would be nice if people were more considerate, wore masks and got vaccinated because quite clearly there are some groups who think they are superhuman and unaffected. For the record I heard yesterday of a 2 year old who was affected with Covid.

I hope if by sharing this experience I help others then great.