Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post

If she had been on a women's tour I don't think you'd see me having a moan at her inclusion.

When they day comes, you could say her inclusion is merited, and not a token to appease watching fans, or they're scared that other sports/channels do it so they need to or people will call them out on it.
It's not to appease though, it's to include, I don't see why this is so hard to understand.

Sports like rugby and football have traditionally been the domain of men, nowadays people are realising that women actually might quite like them too, so channels include women in the coverage. Truth is a lot (not all) of the men kicking off about that are doing so because they want it to still be the domain of men, but that's dressed up with spurious justifications about why they're annoyed by it.

My 9 year old niece is mad about football - she plays for a team, goes to Wales games. My sister wouldn't have even considered doing those things because they weren't really on the table for girls when she was growing up in the 80's/90's. The world's been geared towards men our entire lives and things are beginning to shift and balance out a bit. Part of that is more female presence on the commentary teams, it's not like men are under represented so I really don't see the issue personally