Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
I have not voted labour for 2 general elections for a start. I'm not a member of any political party, I vote for the party that I think will do the most to help the working classes and the young people in this country. Me and my Mrs earn very good wages, a vote for the tory party is probably more beneficial to me personally than anyone else but I would always rather live in a society that is fair and just which is why I would never vote for the tories because track records and manifestos don't reflect that. And it's probably why I would never vote for even a centre right government.

I'm not a "labour man" I don't support political parties like football teams.

That post is genuine criticisms of the tory government, which do you disagree with?

The Sadiq Kahn bit is in there because I did vote for him as London Mayor 3 times and he's done a great job.

What about Corbyn did you think was vile?

What is it that makes you think the tories are so good for the economy?

What is it that makes you think labour are so bad for the economy?
The Tories raised the income tax threshold to such a level that anyone who is on minimum wage doesn't pay income tax.
So you should have voted tory if you want fair for working classes