Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
Yes I think we were all really surprised by how harsh he was, and from the outside it looks like terrible management. We don't see the whole picture though, by far the most important thing is how he interacts with them personally after this - still I hope he gets better at this side of the job if he's going to be here much longer.
I’m in the same place (or similar it seems) as you. There may be (maybe not) a lot more to it but I’m not going to quickly join a kangaroo court based on the relativey little I know.

As for the Ferguson comments on them all being ‘seasoned pro’s’… although Jonny Evans was only 22 when it happens…. then I don’t see the relevance, unless of course people become better able to deal with the mental side if things with age… I’d suggest there is plenty of evidence out there to show that that is probably not the case