Quote Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanton View Post
I don’t think any of them are going to have a stellar career… if that was true they’d probably already be somewhere else, but the majority are already probably too old.
Harry Maguire was playing in League One at the age McGuinness is now. I mention him only because I think centre back is a position in which players often seem to get significantly better (and considerably more valuable) with age and experience.

Of course, the same is true for all positions to a degree, but I think if a midfielder or a striker is going to be top class, you can generally see their qualities at an earlier age.

McGuinness makes mistakes, but I think he’s been showing plenty of potential and the fact that he’s already racked up 40 Football League starts by the age of 21 is impressive. I think he’s a really decent prospect.

Although a few of the other young players are certainly showing promise, I haven’t been especially impressed by any of them so far.