Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
I'm sick of this kind of comment doing the rounds this season. We're a really crap side this season. Circa 18K at home compared to say 2K away deserves better. D'ya think we'd still be afloat without the season ticket holders and home fans turning up? If anything, the players have let the home fans down big time this season and should be able to deal with some groans and moans. I watched Villa today and there were plenty of those when their players gave possession away cheaply and they were deserved.
If you're going to loads of away matches you should know that your comment is rubbish about our home fans. I was at St Andrews, it was like a morgue compared to the CCS.
Really? Home games are a chore these days….and you realise that there are nowhere near 18K in there …right?

I don’t think we are “really crap” this season, after a decent start, we have had lot’s of injuries to key players, and our ‘centre forwards’ have not delivered unfortunately, hopefully that will change.
I was also at St Andrews, and even when we were 2-0 down, we may not have been loud (we were losing by 2 goals), but I personally did not hear any negativity, like you do at home games.

Also, gate money doesn’t “keep us afloat” ….it’s peanuts compared to TV revenue these days.