Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
I think we would very much be aligned to them.

However I dont think Englands rules would be what they are.
It's quite an interesting thing to ponder. Of course, all hypothetical, but if we did have a Labour govt during the pandemic it would have been one run by Jeremy Corbyn.

It's interesting to think about how he would have handled it. I dont think it would have been radically different, but I think he would have been a bit overawed, and I think we would have stuck to the EMA vaccine roll out, and I wonder if he would have been so open to working with the private sector on procurement and involvement with the NHS etc?

In terms of restrictions, whatever else Corbyn may be, he isnt really an authoritarian. I think he has a strong liberal streak, and is more like Johnson than Drakeford in that respect. I also think he would have recognised the mental wellbeing issues caused by it all and not sought to keep us locked down for longer than necessary.

My suspicion with Drakeford is that he is using this as a bit of a political power play. That is undoubtedly the case with Sturgeon, and I think it is to a lesser extent for Drakeford. In some cases he's just keen to do some things differently so he can claim to have done so and that devolution is working etc etc.

I also sense deep inside he quite enjoys the power, whereas Johnson, reckless as he is, at least feels embarrased to take our freedoms.