On-loan Cardiff City striker Chanka Zimba is set to face a lengthy spell on the sidelines following a hamstring injury.

Zimba made the temporary move to Northamptonshire from the Bluebirds earlier this month, where he has made three appearances to date.

The most recent of those came in Saturday’s 0-0 draw at fellow promotion hopefuls Sutton United, where the 20-year-old was initially hauled off as a precaution.

However, further investigations have revealed that the young striker is going to be sidelined for the next six weeks.

Jon Brady confirmed the blow, stating: “Chanka is going to be out for six weeks with a hamstring injury.

“It’s a bit of a body blow for us, we have integrated Chanka into the group really well by managing his load with 20 minutes here and there for the first few weeks but he felt the issue on Saturday."