Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
The obsession with just one virus is the problem though , and it seems to me that regardless of lockdowns , masks, social distancing and arbitrary rules it makes little or no difference. I know people who have been terrified of Covid , wore masks , stayed in doors and still caught it. Nearly 40m people in the Uk have tested positive, at some stage

Apparently 90% of Welsh people have antibodies.


This is a great point, even with face masks etc etc, it still spread, the only way to stop C19 is to have a full lockdown, as soon as things slightly opened up, the virus spread, look at Australia for proof of that, lockdown for long periods of time, as soon as they opened up, it spread ( they just brought themselves time and get jabs in arms )

We have all had the opportunity for the 3 jabs, this is as good as it gets, but its your choice, if you feel happy and safer staying in, stay in