I tried looking at this today.

But without some sort of commentary as to what is going on, particularly in terms of why some players haven't been selected ( for example Steve Smith and David Millar didn't even rate a bid ( the starting price for them was I think around £100,000)) or how the various teams are shaping with the players they have retaine or the ones they have bought in the auction it's a bit like watching paint dry! There wasn't even a studio link to Sky Sports

The most exciting part was when the auctioneer collapsed!!.He is OK apparently thank goodness. but all you could get from the pictures was that someone had obviously gone down with a very quick glimple of someone lying on the floor and the just pictures of the various delegations looking at the scene, then it went to adverts followed by cricket highlights.

Apparently they took an early lunch (quite apt for a cricket auction) but I only found out when I looked at the Times of India live feed on the Internet.

I'm just going to paint a wall and stare at it for the rest of the afternoon