In late March 2020 I came across a subtitled French video at with a heading that translated to something like 'the six stages of the Great Reset.' That video purported to show a leaked French language document from one of France's government ministries in either January or February 2020. It wasn't until March 2020 that 'the Coronavirus' was named Covid-19.

I didn't pay much attention to it, but did copy and paste its URL into a document to perhaps view it at a later date and also copied and pasted what was said to be an accurate English transcription which was beneath the video. I came across the document last weekend. The video isn't at rumble any longer. The transcription is included below, and I'd be interested in the thoughts of venerable CCMB'ers. For me, it has proven too accurate, certainly regarding what's happened in France, to have been a hoax which included long series of extremely lucky guesses.

Phase 1. December 2019 - March 2020.

Simulate a threat and create fear. [Underlined.]

Create a pandemic in China.

Kill tens of thousands of elderly people.

Increase the number of cases and deaths.

Position vaccination as the only solution from the beginning.

Focus all attention on Covid-19.

Result: General Panic.

Phase 2. March 2020 - December 2020.

Intensify fear and divide. [Underlined.]

Impose multiple unnecessary coercive unconstitutional measures.

Paralyze trade and the economy.

Impose the submission of the majority and observe the resistance of a rebellious minority.

Discredit the rebels and create a horizontal division.

Censorship of free speech and opposing personalities.

Punish disobedience.

Generalize PCR tests.

Create confusion between cases, infected, sick, hospitalized and deceased.

Disqualify all effective treatments.

Result: Hope for rescue vaccine.

Phase 3. December 2020 - June 2021

Provide a deceitful and lethal solution. [Underlined.]

Offer a free vaccine for all.

Promise protection and return to normality.

Establish a herd immunization.

Simulate a partial recovery of the economy.

Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections.

Present the side effects of injections as the 'natural' effects of the virus and the disease.

Recover the notion of a variant as a natural mutation of the virus.

Justify the coercive measures by not reaching the collective immunity threshold.

Punish health professionals for the illegal exercise of care and healing.

Result: Doubts and feelings of betrayal among the vaccinated, discouragement among opponents.

Phase 4. June 2021 - October 2021.

Install apartheid and the QR code. [Underlined.]

Voluntary plan for shortages.

Impose the health pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant population.

Create an apartheid of the privileged against the others.

Take away the right to work or study from the unvaccinated.

Withdraw basic services to the unvaccinated.

Impose paid PCR tests on the unvaccinated.

Result: First step of digital control and impoverishment of opponents.

Phase 5. November 2021 - March 2022.

Establish chaos and martial law. [Underlined.]

Exploit the shortage of goods and food.

Bring the economy to a standstill and closure of factories and shops.

Let unemployment explode.

Apply a third dose to the vaccinated.

Resume euthanasia of the elderly.

Impose compulsory vaccination for all.

Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccines and the immunity of the herd.

Demonize the 'anti-vaxxers' and hold them responsible for the dead.

Arrest opposition leaders.

Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): birth certificate, identity documents, passport, driver's license, health insurance card...

Establish martial law to defeat opposition.

Result: Second stage of digital control imprisonment and removal of opponents.

Phase 6. March 2022 - September 2022.

Cancel the debts and de-materialize money. [Underlined.]

Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse and the bankruptcy of the banks.

Rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.

Activate the 'Great Reset'.

De-materialize money.

Cancel debts and loans.

Impose the digital portfolio (Digital Wallet).

Seize properties and land.

Ban all global medicines, including total ban on herbal & alternative medicine.

Impose obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.

Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.

Extend the measures to emerging countries.

Result: Third stage of digital control. Extension of the NWO (New World Order) to the whole planet.