plus something I posted on another messageboard this week;-

"Back in the mid 70s, an uncle of mine who was in the merchant navy, used to stay with us when he was on shore leave and one day there was just me and him in the living room watching the telly when Jimmy Saville came on and my uncle tutted and swore. something which was almost unheard of in the presence of me or my younger brother and sister.

I'd never been a fan of Saville, but only because it's seemed to me that he didn't know a lot about the music he played and was, to an extent, making money under false pretences. I always thought of my uncle as right old square because that's what he was! I couldn't understand how he knew about Jimmy Saville and muttered something like "not a fan then?".

My uncle just said he's a bad man and left it at that, but he'd got my interest and so I kept on at him to tell me what he knew. He still thought of me as a kid, although I must have been something like twenty at the time of the conversation and so what information I got had to be dragged out of him and then I didn't get it all, but he did say Saville had some very dodgy connections in Manchester and parts of Yorkshire. It was what he wouldn't tell me though which I remembered when the story broke about Saville after he died - my uncle, treating me like a ten year old again, had also told me there were other things about Saville he knew that he couldn't tell me at my age. Based on that, I've always suspected that there were an awful, lot of people around who knew exactly what Saville was and it's an absolute disgrace that he never had to face justice during his lifetime."