Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
I am sure that NASA has a section of its website dedicated to moon landings. It didn't stop the gifted and talented of the 70s and 80s inventing ever more ridiculous theories that it was staged though.

The Conspiracy bit of this is a the suggestion that rather than a load of well heeled people operating in plain sight are looking for catchy words to justified their existence and annual shindig in the Alps they are in fact planning a global state and new world order by abolishing private property while using COVID-19 to solve overpopulation and enslaving what remains of humanity with vaccines.

Your gifted insight before you left the Board was that Covid was an overblown fantasy being used by Dr Fauci, Deep State and the Democrats to undermine the greatest President that ever lived. Now with this new toy it seems to be demon plague let loose to kill the poor and lull sheeple into injecting mind controlling disease ridden vaccines into their arms.

Still you found a website so well done on this sourcing stuff.
NASA's excuses for not returning to the Moon range from "we're skint" to the hilarious "we haven't the technology available today as we did then". Then was 1972 if I remember correctly.

Depending on which source anyone cares to use, the farthest Van Allen Belt is 8,000 miles from earth. Without checking, the Moon's around 24 or 26,000 miles away. Man can't survive the radiation at the outer and likely the inner Belt; therefore those Moon landings had to be fake.

Obviously, the Russians knew that but kept schtum.

What was the purpose of those hoaxes? Probably to filter the funding into secret projects such as building a network of underground bases and even whole cities throughout the USA. The one under Denver airport - which has a ton of disturbing Satanic artwork viewable on the surface - is said to be the biggest at seven levels deep.