Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
this policy is purely for the headlines, there is no substance behind it other than to look strong on immigration. people are being treated shabbily for a few tawdry votes.

there has been no formal calculation or analysis into whether this will actually reduce the number of people crossing the channel, the government have admitted this, and there is no defined number of people they will deport before they're done with this ludicrous policy.

planes cost cost a lot of money to charter if it's only for 6 people. I wonder how much per person deported this whole shabby business has cost. well into the hundreds of thousands I expect
There’s a culture war to be won though and Tories in trouble (especially this Tory party) will turn to the immigration card because, sadly, it will help recreate the spirit of Brexit Britain 2016 - immigration played a decisive part in the outcome of the Referendum and then it just stopped being mentioned almost as if some were embarrassed by their behaviour during the campaign. Will Self was right, if you were a racist, what was the point of voting remain? I still believe that while it’s completely wrong to suggest all leave voters were racists, I certainly think there were enough of them to account for the difference in the vote between the two sides .

Seems like there’s been developments overnight anyway.
