Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
Like many others, you do a lot of talking about a deity that you are (supposedly) convinced doesn't exist.
And for the record, YHWH has as much to do with the idea of evolution as you employ logic.
Great laugh for a Monday morning though - so very welcome
I tend to talk about deities rather than just one of the many thousands that have existed. Culture around the world fascinates me and religion is part of all that - and I do make an effort to learn about them a great deal in my travels around the world whether it be Shintoism, Native American spirits, Sikhism, Buddhism, paganism or the various branches of Abrahamism - and I'm looking forward to visiting the Pyramids at Giza the day after tomorrow.
Religion is a truly fascinating subject but deities say a great deal about the people that invented them in the first place. It's all about human psychology and related to time and space.
By the way, how's the talking snake?