Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
I've just come back in from work and some of these replies are hysterical, talk about an overreaction I think some of you were crying when you replied, get a grip and grow some.
I read it and the bit that jumped out to me is “Between 2011 and 2021, the population of England and Wales grew by a staggering 3.5 million, or about 6.6 per cent.”
As someone correctly pointed out it is due to immigration but also births outstripping deaths, but regardless it explains some of the posts we’ve seen the last few weeks, like I can’t get a doctor, dentist, ambulance, looked after in A&E, a hospital bed a policeman to call after a burglary, buy a house.
We have a problem the population of the UK and many other countries is growing at a significantly faster pace than all our important service providers.
I was expecting to see a sensible discussion about this and how it can be dealt with going forward and how immigration can bring positive benefits such as targeting doctors overseas etc.
Still I suppose it does show who just have one agenda and won’t look at any article and give a measured sensible response.

No doubt I'll come back next time to 30 replies screaming it's all Boris's fault, don't let me down
The reason you can’t get any of that stuff is because of under investment in public services and austerity and stories like this are then used to make people keep voting for the same people who don’t invest in them.

Well done on falling for it hook line and sinker.