Uche is not wanted by Wilder at Middlesborough and is not featuring in pre-season. Boro haven't been able to move him on (yet) for a fee, and may well end up like in January where they have to agree a loan to offset some of the wages.

Would anyone want him back here?

He scored 3 goals in 13 (but only 1 as a starter). He is strong, mobile and fairly quick. He presses well and he occupies defenders - creating space for other players. True his touch and finishing are a mixed bag, but maybe what he offers is better suited to this Cardiff City team than the one he joined on loan?

I just have this feeling we may see him again, at the end of the window and as a bench option (remember 5 subs this season), not as a first choice striker. If that happened I would be more than OK with that. I like Uche.