Quote Originally Posted by Clandestine View Post
Many on here have gone beyond the precipice are worried sick at what they have done to their body. Mob mentality is keeping them bonded in hope but it’s going to end in tears. Following Neil Ferguson, Occam's razor and doubling down will mark them as being on the wrong side of history with a price to be paid. A very interesting segment from Deborah Birx on Tucker Carlson’s show is now available for a gander whistle blowers are gaining courage to speak out the gig is up and the walls are collapsing at an increasing rate. Will America go nuclear to cover up the Vaccine crime and the crimes in UKRAINE ? my guess is that Zelensky will be assassinated by the deep steep, evidence will be manufactured to point at Putin in the hope that the alleged money laundering human trafficking child abusing drug trafficking of the Biden crime family will go unpunished in the chaos of war.



Time for a holiday and I hear that Portugal is currently open for those who refused to act like a nodding donkey.

I find it pretty amazing that Tucker Carlson's show gets to air on terrestrial TV in the US when nothing else containing the truth bombs he drops is broadcast there. Same for over here.

Youtube deleted last Thursday's show after he highlighted the (now undeniable) lies Biden and others repeatedly stated a year ago when saying those double jabbed couldn't contract CV19. (Biden has supposedly tested positive for it latterly having since been boosted too).

He also referred to what The Lancet published in February and another more recent survey has shown which underline the negative efficacy of the shots (I.e. having them increases, not decreases, the odds of contracting CV19) plus those shots compromise the immune system of many who take it... that's known as VAIDS.

And the kicker is this has become common knowledge among those paying attention for the past several months yet governments continue to push the shite onto the unwary.

I'd be bemused but for knowing perhaps Bill Gates' most infamous remarks: "If we do a good job with vaccinations, we can reduce the world population by 10 or 15%." It's their continuing brazenness which I find incredible.