Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
My first game post-rebrand was away at Fulham in August 2016. I sat in the so-called neutral section. It was good fun, an entertaining 2-2 draw.

My first home game post-rebrand was Burton in January 2017, a 1-0 win with a late Rhys Healey goal. I was a guest of the club following the death of a close friend (the late, great Dr Pop).

Been to plenty of home games since then, and a handful of aways, but I’ve recently bought a season ticket for the first time in a decade.
All this bearing in mind that you said categorically in about 2013 that you were never going again and on numerous occasions in the intervening period have denied that you were attending games. Very interesting. Perhaps the club wouldn't have been quite so quick to invite you to a game as a guest, had they known the amount of vitriol you had been continually spouting about Messrs Tan, Dalman and Choo. No doubt you kept your feelings very quiet whilst you enjoyed their food, drink and hospitality (not to mention the free match ticket) and did a suitable amount of ‘brown nosing’, so as not to break your cover. Tad hypocritical don't you think, from a bloke who goes around accusing other people of lying or making things up on a regular basis on this forum.