Dr. John Campbell video below. His youtube channel became very popular thanks to Covid-19 and has attracted a whopping 2.4 million subscribers. Until this latest video was published two days ago he was very pro the prevailing clot shot narrative and they were super, smashing and great who everyone should get some of.

Just like all the other shills though he never thought to inform his followers the mRNA jabs were experimental or that their manufacturers along with AstraZeneca's enjoyed complete indemnity for their products.

In this one he concentrates on a prospective study of 300+ Thailand teenagers aged 13 to 18 from pre then post their second Pfizer clot shot. He says to his knowledge it's the only study of its kind that has been published anywhere worldwide, and throughout he becomes angrier and (seemingly) more baffled why the NHS, Yank CDC or any other health authority has conducted a similar study with all the huge resources they have.

(Many commenters below the vid are not nearly as twp as he's pretending to be.)

The result of that study showed 29% of them developed cardiovascular (aka heart or blood vessel) problems, which helps explain why so many formerly healthy young people have myocarditis and sportsmen and women are dropping dead.