Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
Anyone who watched Newsnight could tell she was a raving Marxist. As is Ian Katz, the head of Newsnight. The beeb is Maŕxist to it's core, this is only news worthy because of how rare it is to have a "Conservative" pulling in an impartial direction. The modern Conservative party isn't really that Conservative, it's liberal and have ceded ground in the culture war for years. Bob Wilson hasn't read Fascist intellectuals, i have and the idea that the modern day Conservative party is Fascist is for the birds. It's the stuff of left wing fear mongering from activists on Twitter.
Are you sure you know what Marxist means? It seems to be a catchall term you use for anyone or anything you don't like.

The idea that the very pro-establishment BBC is marxist to the core is genuinely hilarious.

Yes we know you've read Oswald Mosely's musings and nobody is in the least bit surprised or impressed.
Of course the current Tory parts aren't fascist, but their actions in a lot of areas are quite possibly enabling some future government to take that dark path.