Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
Despite the long and rambling diatribe above from OM (most of the financial stuff I can't follow BTW), I can discern some basic truths in amongst it all. In addition to natural disasters whether caused by climate change or not, I believe the world is riding on the proverbial handcart to hell. I do not fear the future for myself as my days are numbered (having already passed the “three score years and ten” landmark etc.) but I do fear for my grandchildren's future and the world they will inherit.

Who would have thought there would be a major war in Europe at the start of the 21st century for example? A worldwide pandemic. Severe droughts in some parts and severe flooding in others. A global energy crisis. Persecution of minorities all over the place. Lack of morals amongst political leaders. Armed conflicts in so many places. Needless massive spending on armaments and defence which could be used for healthcare and improving the lot of humanity. Refugees fleeing conflicts. Homelessness. Drug and alcohol addiction. Food banks. Breakdown of family life.

As a Christian I believe that only the return of Jesus Christ will sort it all out and in the meantime there will be an inevitable period of severe tribulation, the signs of which are all around us. Mankind has rejected his teachings or distorted them for their own purposes, and now we are reaping what we have sown. Welcome to the brave new world chaps.
The concept of Jesus Christ is not that significant among even some of the major branches of Abrahamism and means little to Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, atheists and millions of believers of minor religions - and if he didn't make an appearance during the holocaust when his own people were being murdered by the millions it's doubtful that he's going to pop up now for all and sundry.