Quote Originally Posted by Claude Blue View Post
Some facts for you Vindec.

When Labour left office in 2010 there were plans for as many as 10 nuclear power stations.

It was the coalition government of 2010/15 that failed to start building them.

In power for over 12 years the Conservative party have done virtually nothing to increase nuclear power.

In 2017 the Conservative government allowed gas storage to be slashed. This was done purely to increase profit and is a major part of the gas price problem today.

Conservative governments since 2015 have not invested sufficiently in green energy such as wind and solar.

But, of course, it's all the fault of the Labour Party
The UK is literally the world leader in off shore wind. We have massively invested in wind and solar, significantly more than other countries. There's been about a 7 fold increase in renewables in UK since 2010.

You are right on gas storage, which does seem an odd choice, because it makes us reliant on regular shipments..nonetheless, this is all working out better for us (or less bad) than on the continent atm.