Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
I know zilch about lasers. Similarly, I'm equally uninformed re the possibility of a magnetic pole reversal next March or at any other time. Because I link to articles and videos others produce on various subjects doesn't mean I endorse what they claim.

As for your 'evade' remark, that's breathtaking audacity.

Though, had I been cretinous enough to have volunteered to become an unpaid volunteer for anything those proven shysters at Pfizer manufacture then I too would be depressed.
Hahaha is that all we're getting? Honestly, you probably would have saved more faced if you'd tried rabidly defending your position instead of skulking away with your tail between your legs.

I assume you see the logic in the argument against the lights being secret Russian satellite attacking lasers if you're dodging any attempt to discuss it. You apparently do your own research, does it not concern you that one of your sources can be easily taken apart with some slight amount of thought put towards it? I assume you trust the source as you posted it and seemed pretty convinced by it. Surely you should be taking a step back to consider their trustworthiness and the fact they've come out with a bare faced lie about having "a source" within NATO or the US military?

I wonder how many of your other numerous links and sources you post daily fall apart under scrutiny if people were bothered to do some digging...