Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
My opinion of Geoff Boycott was formed one Sunday in the early seventies at Sophia Gardens during the tea interval of a Glamorgan v Yorkshire match when I was within earshot of him telling a boy of no more than about eight to eff off when he asked him for an autograph. The fact that the kid immediately burst into tears made no difference to the tosser. I would only have been about fifteen myself and, to be honest, was so taken aback at what happened that I didn’t do anything, but I did celebrate more than i should have when Glamorgan got the bastard out for one a few minutes later.
Reminded of someone who was completely of the opposite nature, Farokh Engineer. A game against Lancs, late 60s called me and a few schoolmates up to the balcony for autographs and a chat. I’ve never forgotten what a great bloke he was, sat with us and chatted on the balcony during Lancs’ innings.