This season was meant to be the one in which Rubin Colwill launched himself as a force to be reckoned with at Championship level.

At 20 years of age, we have seen flashes of brilliance which has seen fans slide forwards on to the edge of their seat during his fledgling Cardiff career.

The burgeoning Bluebirds talent was set to play a big part in this campaign, with no other player possessing the unique qualities he does, given the alchemy of his imposing frame and at times balletic feet. Indeed, against Sunderland this week for the under-21s, his free-kick to hand City the lead was sublime.

But it's been months of frustration for the Wales international, and the Bluebirds supporters who have been desperate to see him tear it up. Fans are demanding more game time for the City playmaker, but it's not quite as simple as that according to manager Mark Hudson.

He has started just one senior Cardiff game this season, against Preston back in August, as we reach the midway point. He has missed a lot of football, but he has also missed a lot of training, too, leaving him with a fitness deficit to make up.

"For Rubin, he has had 47 percent of the sessions available this season," Mark Hudson said on Friday morning. "That's something that people don't see. If we put him out there to start, we are putting him at risk.

"You're not going to see the best Rubin. We detail it to him, we don't hide it. The same with Isaak as well. It's about making sure we aren't putting them at risk and losing them long term.

"Rubin has played 76 minutes, scored a great free-kick, had some great flashes and moments in the game and that's exactly what we wanted and why we put him in the game.

"He has not had a start for such a long time. If I had started him against Blackpool, would he have been ready? Maybe not, because the tempo would have been higher. We don't want to dip someone in and not let them be able to perform. We want them to be at the highest level."

Given the nature of his injuries, brought on by his rapid growth over the last few months, it's been difficult for the youngster to grapple with.

In fact, it's led to Colwill losing trust in his body and Hudson and the medical staff have had to build that back up again to get him to a place they need him to be. And make no mistake, they need him in the second half of the season, as they look to push up and away from the relegation places.

"I can speak honestly, me and Rubin speak a lot. We have gone through his full season. He has done 47 percent of the sessions available," Hudson reiterated.

"He broke down in pre-season, because of his body growth. He then came back from that hamstring injury which he re-injured. Then we were going towards his call-up, late September, he came back from that and got injured on the back end of that.

"He missed a month and then we went through October into November. Then there was disruption and he pulled a muscle in his hip. There is so much growth in Rubin. If we had thrown him in at any point he would have been out much longer.

"I really enjoy watching Rubin play, but he has had a lack of trust in his own body. I'm not putting words in his mouth, it's something we speak about.

"He got back on the pitch before the World Cup, which is amazing, touching the ground in a World Cup game which is amazing for him and the club. Then he has been fit and available since then and this (U21s game) is the first game he has managed to start for a long time.

"It shows you, we could rush him back and throw him in, but he wouldn't have been ready or showed the best Rubin. It's our job to get him firing on all cylinders. Then, well, what a player we've got."

Cardiff play QPR at 5.15pm on Boxing Day and Colwill will no doubt be champing at the bit to help the Bluebirds start the second half of the season in winning fashion.