Just read the post on the other site about Hudson on sending Ollie Tanner out on loan:-
""When we brought Ollie in we had a long-term plan for him. It's not just six months or a year, it's longer than that," Hudson said.
"We knew he had been out of regular first-team football for a long time, which is the continual day-to-day. We have got him to be able to train and play; so train, then play 90 minutes, train, then play 90.
“We need to get Ollie match fit and hopefully next season we can put him in the first team squad.
"The early part of the season, it was 60 minutes and then he couldn't train. We were starting to build him up, body-wise. He had an impact in the Aston Villa game, it was a great goal, he has got quality, no doubt.

Now, I accept that the game may have moved on a bit in the last few decades but I can't help thinking that these coaches/trainers/managers/performance experts are overthinking things. The Emperor's Clothes springs to mind, it ain't rocket science, it's still a game of footy.