The highest earning 1% in the UK pay an estimated 28% of all income tax.

On average, 51% of families received a type of state support .

On average, all families were more likely to receive a non-income related benefit (48%) than an income-related benefit (16%) or a tax credit (6%)

Bank of England is evidently a tad unclear on the whereabouts of £50bn of banknotes, and it doesn’t seem to be overly concerned about it, a powerful group of MPs has said.

Public sector pay bill in 2021/22 was £233bn. Using the 10.1% average figure for the consumer price index forecast by the Office for Budget Responsibility, “the cost would be £23.5bn”.

The independent Full Fact site estimates that the cost of deliberate health tourism to the NHS is £300m a year.

UK citizens own more than £854bn in offshore wealth, ranking it fifth in Europe when measured as a percentage of lost GDP.29 Mar 2022 not just Tories

Covid virus-related rescue support to households, businesses and public services governments total cost £344 billion. which is staggering

quantitative easing (QE) programme by £450bn in 2020 and 2021, taking the total value of assets it owned to a peak of £895bn.

(ONS) state in 2020, more than 9.5 million people on the UK were born abroad that's 14.4% of the total UK population ..

3.5 million from European Union , 6 million from non-EU countries, , must be greater now in 2022 , god know how much this costs us in education , housing , health and benefit supports , in 2010 in was just over 4 million ..

The black market in Britain accounts for around 10% of GDP, or over £150bn a year, and results in billions of pounds of lost taxes according to a report from the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA). buy a few ambulance's or better pay for nurses