Good article this - the forelock tugging attitude of too many in this country towards their so called "betters" has always baffled and frustrated me.

I remember reading an article in one of the Sunday papers about thirty years ago about how the toffs were gradually regaining control of the Conservative party and featured prominently among the young men driving this change was definitely David Cameron and I think George Osborne was mentioned as well. Just look at the reputation of those two men now - Cameron's arrogance and poor judgement led to Brexit and Osborne enforced the austerity policies which have seen public services routinely reduced with the NHS being the worst example of this.

The sort of people John Harris writes about tend to believe that they're better than the rest of us, but, in reality, they're out of touch and delusional - if you had to explain to a child what the word "entitled" meant, you could do a lot worse than just point to a picture of Johnson, Cameron, Osborne, Rees-Mogg, Sunak et al and say them.