Wales eggers will be egging at Murrayfield in Scotland tomorrow with a kick-off of 16:45.

Following a run of no Championship wins from the last 11 games played, a trip to the CCS for Middlesbrough's visit will be a less appealing prospect for a casual walk-up home supporter than sitting in a dentist's chair to have a couple of wisdom teeth extracted.

That rugger game will likely make no difference to their number. But what of season ticket holders? Like it or not, some among them also harbour a secret rugby fetish and will be absent in Jockland. Although, official attendance figures are based on tickets sold and not on those who physically attend.

What about the other undeclared egg-lovers who will be at the game? Will they shiftily head for the exits hoping to slip away unnoticed at or before half-past four to secure a chair at a local boozer by quarter to five? I suppose it'll largely depend on the score at that time. Should Akpom and co have a good afternoon I fear the size of an early exodus will be embarrassing.