Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
You're loving this, aren't you? I bet you can't wait until we go down and you can then bang on for the next 6 months, every day, that you were right and everyone else was wrong. Do you really think that this shit show is balanced by the appointment of Warnock? Because if you do, then you're beyond help. I was posting on here during our promotion season saying that the football Warnock employed (From October onwards) would be detrimental to our development, i said that it was short termism, i called it Anti Football, i said that no team will prosper in the long term playing the way we did, and i was right, Warnock ball and his poor recruitment was the catalyst to what we are witnessing now. You like him because he spoils, just like you do, a strange fascination with debunking craft, creativity, thought, enjoyment etc.
Get off the Potty