Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
And there it is.

"I read it on the internet so it must be true"
Here's something you will never get wind of on your precious telly. Dr. McCullough was years ahead of fellow cardiologist Briton Dr Aseem Malhotra in telling the world how toxic the CV19 'vaccines' are. (Malhotra described Pfizer as 'Satanic' should you not have seen one of his tweets I embedded here some months back.)

McCullough's another of those accredited experts who was silenced to ensure the likes of you remained all ears for whatever rubbish Dr Hilary on ITV filled your head with. As a consequence you dutifully trotted off to passively offer an arm.

From my Covid vox-pop pub beer gardens' excursions I deduced very early on the most severely CV19 brainwashed shared the same habit: they were constantly washing their hands. The daftest of all would cough for hand sanitizer rather than soap and water thanks to their TV conditioning.

Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification” - https://survivalmagazine.org/news/dr...etoxification/