Come on, I know we are all miserable and poor but there needs to be a thread.

A cynic might say the tapering in of the childcare support is a trap for Labour. On the face of it a good thing but isn't it telling that it is now accepted (and by some championed as an example of gender equality) that the average family with one young child can't support themselves on one income.

Pension thing just baffles me although I get their humdrum reasoning. Surely the purpose of tax relief on pension contributions is to incentivise the masses to save for an adequate retirement and not rely on the state. Whilst the current system is clunky, I just can't see a justification for giving tax relief for the richest to build enormous pensions. Essentially saying 'hey you know we made you so rich you could retire in your 50s, heres some more money for you!'

Something else bla bla about fuel duty. Anything else of note?