Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
100% said something was safe & effective until it wasn't.

WB, you are essentially trying to reason with those who bent over, touched their toes, spread the brown eye as wide as possible and said no worries doc to those, and the UK Gov. equivalent of the above, and if that wasn't enough for them, went after like attack dogs, against those who said "No", they get really nasty don't they when you will not acquiesce to their FACTS!! and call anybody who doesn't a right winger as an apparent mark of shame, they currently have their ears to their Phones in anticipation of some warning this afternoon , the bullshit claims are listed in a previous post within this thread and I'm old enough to remember and have lived through them, it's time to call bullshit bullshit, these same people denied the Biden Laptop, and backed the 50 intelligence bosses with their signed letter went all in on Russia did it. Quite simply you are wasting your time, they love their name the calling, their EV cars, their 15 min Cities and I'm sure in the not too distant future will be telling you how tasty their cockroach sandwich is
Not sure if I'm a conspiracist, but I've just turned my phones and tablets off, It's been a struggle on times but I've managed to get this far in life without a 30 second beep to let me know danger is ahead,
When you hear the words "we are from the government and we're here to help you" it really is time to stop and think.

I'm not a flat earther, and to an extent agree with climate changing and that humans are doing bad things not helping the environment, but I did like Musk trolling of saying his rockets cannot get past the Firmament, sent the previous blue ticks into meltdown mode

The lack of Environmental lobby interest in the NS2 incident I see as a bit of a marker. Especially when the current Resident of Pennsylvania Avenue boldly predicted it, others within the current US government boldly predicted it, a Pulitzer prize winner has alluded to those responsible, the US military 1st on the scene to retrieve the evidence, an alternative narrative of 6 blokes in a yacht did it