Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
That's up to voters to decide, but off the top of my head in the last few years;

2 - record increase in NHS spending

3 - highest rise in the minimum wage by some distance
You and the Tories keep using the misdirection of reporting record increases on spending on areas as the NHS, minimum wage or any other government department as evidence that the they are improving services for the public. This is a total fallacy.

Here is an example of how it works. If a government department has a budget of £4 billion and it is increased by £50 million. its budget is then £4.05 billion, which is correctly reported as record spending. This would be a 1.25% increase in spending, but with inflation running at 9% it represents a 7.75% reduction in spending power. In other words a cut in services.

If spending is only increased by £1 it would still be technically record funding.