Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
It's not the truth though is it, you look to blame everything on Brexit.

If Labour hadn't tried to stop it for so long and liaised with the opposition, it would have worked a lot better.
Quite right. Simply screaming "Brexit" and "supply side / doesn't help" at everyone is like a wolf howling in all directions in the dark. Rent-a-vent. That is all it is.

Even reading the FT commentaries and sensible papers like The Times, it seems many idiots believe these "single cause" effects. Don't get me started on the highly mockable nonsense you see on the BBC, Guardian and Independent comments sections. Far, far worse. It is just people regurgitating GCSE level understandings of the world, and sometimes lower than that. It is precisely what I was saying about monkeys mixing politics with economics, or whinging about social policy, rather than staying focused on a cold headed analysis.

If you go into an economic debate with your political head on, you will never understand it and never solve it. Which is precisely why when Jeremy Hunt, Rachel Reeves, Kwasi Kwarteng, Ed Davey, that Green Party bird or Jeremy Corbyn start proffering their views, I urge everyone to turn the television off or change the channel. It is garbage. Political garbage. Not economics. Change the channel and choose Dora The Explorer. Far more productive use of time and you'll probably learn more. The TV clowns are on TV for politics and to get ratings. They are no role model and they talk through their rusty sheriff's badge most of the time.

If you genuinely want to know what is happening pick off the top economists. It is not a fun subject. It is dry. It is deep. It is heavy, and technical. It cannot be understood by a Comments section nor a Twitter line. There are several causes of inflation this time around (four in fact), and some of those four items have caused a "second round effect" as they have been left untreated. To shout "Brexit" is just retarded, in the grand scheme of a heavy subject.