There's an article on WalesOnline today showing that around 40% want either more powers for the WG or independence with less than a quarter wanting the WG to have fewer powers or be abolished. This is roughly in line with most polls of this nature that take place from time to time.

What's particularly interesting is that around a third of over 65s want the WG abolished, yet there's little support for that from the under 45s, while the opposite is true for independence, where there's greatest support from under 35s.

My gut feeling is that most Tory voters would want shot of it, probably as their party isn't in charge, but most other voters of other parties are happy with things. Certainly support for the Welsh Government is greater than it was at the time of the 1999 referendum election and polls like this suggest support for devolution will continue to grow.

It'll be interesting to read some of the replies, to see how many claim youngsters don't know what they're talking about, how many will use names like Dripford and so on. You can almost predict who will come out with nonsense like that!