Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
I don’t know about firebrands’ but thousands of trades unionists, socialists and communists were prevented from working at all - not just blocked for promotion. The Economic League ran an employment blacklist - as I know to my cost.

And ‘left’ and ‘right’ is absolutely relevant. Those who claim political views are irrelevant or that there is no left or right any more are the new foot soldiers of the alt right. They have their own devious and dishonest agenda. The political left are and always will be the enemies of wealth and privilege and exploitation. The right are the apologists of wealth and privilege. It is easy!
On your last couple of sentences..I think that used to be true. Not sure it is now.

On BBC Politics today, the panel all roundly condemned Coutts on TV except Angela Eagle MP, who seemed to make light of it.