Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
I think the issue Jordi is that there has been a massive rise in antisemitism, little Jewish kids schools in London daubed in blood, some windows snashed, arrests for racism and mass chanting on the streets calling for something that many call racist.

I've never ever defended what Israel do. It's not me defending that, and there is another thread on that

The war itself is of course more abhorrent. But this kind of rhetoric as well as bringing racial discord to the UK and making some fear walking the streets is only likely to prolong that. It doesn't promote nor make the two state solution any easier.

I think this is about some pretty disturbing events and opinions latching onto a legitimate peace movement that helps absolutely no one and I think it should be called out for what it is, without turning a blind eye.

You were more angry about the Rubiales kiss than people chanting racist slogans on the street. Fancy that.
Wowser! *laughing*

That's going off at a tangent buddy.

I can see what you're getting at though as you're floundering in this discussion as you were in that one due to induced myopia caused by having your head stuck up your own arse and being unable to see other people's perspectives or indeed feelings.

Back to today's discussion though, Pro Palestinian supporters in London, England are more of an obstacle to peace in Gaza than the Israeli state/ Likud Party who are currently bombing it to absolute bits and it's the Pro Palestinian supporters shouting slogans that are disturbing your ever so genteel sensibilities the most?

You're correct that anti semitic incidents reported have gone up, you should point out so have reports of islamophobia. Interestingly, islamophobic reports were higher than anti semitic crimes reported prior to Hamas attacks in Israel.

You know that though.

Have I missed anything?