Quote Originally Posted by NinianOpinion1927 View Post
You won't draw me into the blinkered Tory versus Labour rubbish. And don't be one of those fruitcakes like "RJK" who refuse to accept that adding 7 million immigrants to the population doesn't affect house prices much.
The Tories have sustained the crazy immigration numbers started by Labour, despite pledging in manifesto's to reduce immigration drastically. Brexit was a massive message to our elites that the electorate wanted tighter immigration, instead immigration increased.
This is why i think democracy is fake and broken and why, if i were to vote, i'd be voting Reform Party. The best of a bad bunch but we need to tighten our grip on immigration
The sad truth is you need to look at this through a far wider lense. Migration is propping up a broken country, that is why the Tories have 'failed to control it', they can bluster and lie about wanting to reduce it but it isn't possible because we have a crisis that began brewing years ago.

We have a generation who when looked at as a group became wealthy enough to retire earlier than expected and increase their standard of living at the same time. They became this wealthy because nearly every single policy was tilted in their favour. In a vacuum that is wonderful, for them. Unfortunately payment is required now.

Lower birth rate
Increased life expectancy
Increased state pension
Unsustainable models for public sector pension

Have all combined with other facts to leave us short when you look at the ratio of working people : retired people

Cultural changes, financial insecurity and the cost of living are only going to accelerate this as even the younger people who are coupled up and settled simply can't budget for another mouth to feed.

If you cut net migration to zero tomorrow, the system would be unbalanced to the point of collapse. From a service delivery point of view as well as the ratio of productive : unproductive. Technological advances might change that in the future, requiring less working people for the same output but not now.

You have been sold a pipe dream for years and if you vote reform you are just doubling down, compounding your previous error.

They don't want to admit they have ****ed up the maths so they either tell you a) they will reduce it or that b) cultural diversity is all positive and if you don't agree you are a prick.

At some point the government of the UK will have to pivot and start taxing accrued wealth in a more aggressive way but that isn't going to portrayed well in the media everyone steers well clear.