Everyone's entitled to their opinion of course and as someone who's lived in Asia since 2006 and went home last November for the first time in nearly 10 years, mine is that Cardiff is brilliant.

And I honestly think it's going to get better and better: https://www.cardiffwalesmap.com/CardiffDevelopments.htm

If I HAD to say something bad about the place I'd say that the Bay is a little overrated as it is but no doubt that'll look different too by my next trip home. There's so much potential there.

The thing that stuck out the most for me is how nice the people are. I had heard that everyone's miserable and it's all doom and gloom but that's just not the impression I got. We'd go to a bus stop looking lost and peopled helped us out every single time, then we'd chat for ages. People are so easy and nice to talk to. Sat next to a great bunch at the CCS, chatted and laughed the whole time. No idea who they are. Every day was a different conversation with a nice stranger.

I'm a bit of a pussy but never felt unsafe. Although my family did drop me off at my hotel down the Bay after a Tuesday night game because I was planning on walking through Grangetown alone with my new City away shirt in my hand. They didn't think it was a very good idea.

I admit I didn't go down that end of Queen Street but town is still great. The arcades are great. Cardiff Market is great. If that market was in Perth or Adelaide it would be all over the travel blogs. I grew up on pub food and a cone of chips. Now I can eat good Greek food and Polish dumplings? Maybe it was always there but there does seem like a lot more quality options nowadays.

My only hope is that house prices don't go through the roof before I get the chance to move back. Fingers crossed!