Frustrating that all the talk is about Bulut, should he stay? Should he go? Short contract? Longer contract? When the obvious clear out should be those at a higher level, their bollock drops, ineptitude & refusal to learn from previous hopelessness has created this merry go round we can’t get off. They’re less than part timers in what is definitely a full on, full time job. Are they doing it as some sort of f*cking hobby? Cardiff City is a multi million pound concern that deserves and desperately needs undivided, uninterrupted full time administration. We won’t move on until we’ve got boardroom personnel who are 100% committed to the club, not just dipping in and out. How often are Dalman & Choo actually in Cardiff? They’re supposed to be in charge, the bosses with their fingers on the pulse. Who’s making vital decisions in their absence? Wayne Nash and his cronies? I despair!!!!!