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Thread: Jeremy Corbyn tops Labour constituency vote in leadership bid

  1. #1

    Jeremy Corbyn tops Labour constituency vote in leadership bid

    Jeremy Corbyn is the most popular candidate for Labour leader among local constituency groups, according to the latest party nomination figures.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Jeremy Corbyn tops Labour constituency vote in leadership bid

    You could have posted this in one of your other corbyn threads.

  3. #3

    man crush ?

    I think Gluey (and keep this to yourself) has a bit of a man crush on Jeremy Corbyn

  4. #4

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Jimmy wrote on Sat, 01 August 2015 19:10
    I think Gluey (and keep this to yourself) has a bit of a man crush on Jeremy Corbyn
    Awww, are you jealous?

  5. #5

    Re: man crush ?

    Interesting quotes in the Telegraph from Dave Ward, the General Secretary of the Communication Workers Union :-

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/labour/11775012/Lab our-leadership-not-about-winning-elections-or-being-credible -says-Corbyn-backing-union.html

    There are too many in the Labour Party (and more than a few on here) who yearn after the freedom of perpetual Opposition. They will wave their pathetic Socialist Workers placards and intone the moronic "Tories Out" as they march through the streets tilting at windmills (otherwise known as breaking the windows in the local McDonald's, occupying a branch of Barclays or desecrating a War Memorial to men and women who led lives a hundred times more valuable than theirs). Yet the thought of actually being in Government and making real decisions for the betterment of ordinary peoples' lives appals them. The idea of having to make compromises offends their sense of Socialist purity. The men who actually were able to win elections for Labour (Blair and Mandelson) are vilified for not being quite "pure" enough and so the the windmill tilters are going to foist a man who actually does look like Don Quixote on the Party. It is a madness than runs deep in the Party and will keep them out of power for at least another three elections.

    And all the while one man sits and broods. The Prince across the water, the Charles Edward Stuart of British politics. This time it is the Atlantic not the Channel which separates him from his true destiny.

    http://www.theweek.co.uk/labour-leader/62858/labour-leader-c orbyn-win-could-spark-david-miliband-return

    Bonny Prince Davy plots and dreams of a Jacobite like resurrection. Those interested in history however will know that 270 years ago the real Young Pretender's hopes ended on the blood soaked fields of Culloden. What entertainment we can expect in the next four and a half years.

  6. #6

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NECS wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 08:10
    Interesting quotes in the Telegraph from Dave Ward, the General Secretary of the Communication Workers Union :-
    Blair and Mandleson are vilified because they in no way represented the labour movement. They hijacked the party and took it in a direction that meant they might as well have been Tories. Winning elections is all well and good, but if the party then implements policies that do not reflect what the labour movement wants and needs, then being in power is totally meaningless.

  7. #7

    Re: man crush ?

    Good morning archie. I hope you're keeping well. Although as you didn't even vote Labour last time I don't really know that your opinion is all that valuable. Still never one to let a nice discussion with you pass me by let me say that I do know that the Socialist Workers are not the Labour Party. However it is their placards that activists in the Labour Party hold up on their marches and you know that as well as I do so please don't make yourself more pedantic than usual by denying it. As for the marchers themselves I'm sure there are plenty of anarchists among them and besides showing the type of morons that those on the Left identify with these days there are are plenty of Labour voices who make excuses for them (as well as you of course although as we know Uncle Ed's Labour Party was not left wing enough for you to give it your support). At the time of the desecration of the Memorial to the women of this country who did actually do something constructive in defeating Hitler there were more than a few posts on here stating that it really was of no consequence (of course it was of consequence because it showed what a bunch of ignorant ****s were involved in doing it). "A massive resurgence of interest of ordinary people in the Labour Party" - yes well let's see how well the next General Election goes shall we. My prediction for what it's worth is that if the present boundaries are still in force all four Cardiff seats will be lost under Corbyn. They came pretty close to it in 1983 and that will look like a high water mark in Labour fortunes compared to the debacle to come.

    But as you say winning elections is not the most important thing. Well it's not for you of course because you don't vote Labour but for us who did last time the next four and a half years will show exactly how very important it is.

  8. #8

    Re: man crush ?

    The argument against Corbyn seems to be that if he is elected, the Labour Party will not win the next election.

    Following that argumnet to its logical conclusion, there seesm to be a suggestion that Burnham, Cooper or Kendal could win. Politics aside, i dont see the qualities required to be PM in any of those three.

  9. #9

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NECS wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 09:17
    Good morning archie. I hope you're keeping well. Although as you didn't even vote Labour last time I don't really know that your opinion is all that valuable. Still never one to let a nice discussion with you pass me by let me say that I do know that the Socialist Workers are not the Labour Party. However it is their placards that activists in the Labour Party hold up on their marches and you know that as well as I do so please don't make yourself more pedantic than usual by denying it. As for the marchers themselves I'm sure there are plenty of anarchists among them and besides showing the type of morons that those on the Left identify with these days there are are plenty of Labour voices who make excuses for them (as well as you of course although as we know Uncle Ed's Labour Party was not left wing enough for you to give it your support). At the time of the desecration of the Memorial to the women of this country who did actually do something constructive in defeating Hitler there were more than a few posts on here stating that it really was of no consequence (of course it was of consequence because it showed what a bunch of ignorant ****s were involved in doing it). "A massive resurgence of interest of ordinary people in the Labour Party" - yes well let's see how well the next General Election goes shall we. My prediction for what it's worth is that if the present boundaries are still in force all four Cardiff seats will be lost under Corbyn. They came pretty close to it in 1983 and that will look like a high water mark in Labour fortunes compared to the debacle to come.
    Clearly the whole point of any party is to win power, but not at any cost. I really do not see the point of adopting polices the same as your opposition to win power. It is no secret that I want to see the back of this government, but I would not be particularly happy to see a Labour government that was simply a Tory government in red ties. I simply cannot comprehend that logic.

  10. #10

    Re: Jeremy Corbyn tops Labour constituency vote in leadership bid

    Quote Originally Posted by goslow wrote on Sat, 01 August 2015 14:30
    You could have posted this in one of your other corbyn threads.
    Make some threads of your own if you don't like mine.

  11. #11

    Re: Jeremy Corbyn tops Labour constituency vote in leadership bid

    I think we have exhausted the subject for today archie although I always enjoy our verbal jousts as I hope do you. I'm really not trying to re-ignite the arguments but I have to post this article in today's Independent on Sunday as Joan Smith describes what I am trying to say far more eloquently than I am able to do.

    http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/labour-leadership-race-s upporting-jeremy-corbyn-is-therapy-not-politics-10432736.htm l

  12. #12

    Re: man crush ?

    "There are too many in the Labour Party (and more than a few on here) who yearn after the freedom of perpetual Opposition. They will wave their pathetic Socialist Workers placards and intone the moronic "Tories Out" as they march through the streets tilting at windmills (otherwise known as breaking the windows in the local McDonald's, occupying a branch of Barclays or desecrating a War Memorial to men and women who led lives a hundred times more valuable than theirs). Yet the thought of actually being in Government and making real decisions for the betterment of ordinary peoples' lives appals them. The idea of having to make compromises offends their sense of Socialist purity. The men who actually were able to win elections for Labour (Blair and Mandelson) are vilified for not being quite "pure" enough and so the the windmill tilters are going to foist a man who actually does look like Don Quixote on the Party. It is a madness than runs deep in the Party and will keep them out of power for at least another three elections."

    When it actually comes down to cutting the mustard - making real life decisions that are made due to budget constraints (caused by the previous Labour spending spree) it seems they (The Labour party) are unable to do it - hence the desire to remain in opposition and just shout boo whilst the party in power has to make the tough decisions to trt and sort out the complete MESS left by Blair / Brown and Co.

    No wonder they dont want to be in Govt neither would I if I was them - it's far easier to just turn up - shout and wave a placard than it is to try and sort the finances out.

    The country does need a healthy and active opposition - at the moment that seems to be coming from the SNP

  13. #13
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    way out west

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Jimmy wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:10
    "There are too many in the Labour Party (and more than a few on here) who yearn after the freedom of perpetual Opposition. They will wave their pathetic Socialist Workers placards and intone the moronic "Tories Out" as they march through the streets tilting at windmills (otherwise known as breaking the windows in the local McDonald's, occupying a branch of Barclays or desecrating a War Memorial...
    Fair play Jimmy, your bizarre world is quite amusing

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by archibald leitch wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 08:54
    Interesting quotes in the Telegraph from Dave Ward, the General Secretary of the Communication Workers Union :-
    No they are not,yes they are,no they dont.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:15
    "There are too many in the Labour Party (and more than a few on here) who yearn after the freedom of perpetual Opposition. They will wave their pathetic Socialist Workers placards and intone the moronic "Tories Out" as they march through the streets tilting at windmills (otherwise known as breaking the windows in the local McDonald's, occupying a branch of Barclays or desecrating a War Memorial...
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Jimmy wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:10
    Thats a quote from the article NECS posted.

  16. #16

    Vim nice but dim

    Goslow - please dont shatter Dim Vim's world - if he wants to believe I wrote that - let him carry on

    I am busy working on a speech at the moment with a working title
    "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" it's about ....... you'll have to wait till I finished it

  17. #17

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by goslow wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:26
    "There are too many in the Labour Party (and more than a few on here) who yearn after the freedom of perpetual Opposition. They will wave their pathetic Socialist Workers placards and intone the moronic "Tories Out" as they march through the streets tilting at windmills (otherwise known as breaking the windows in the local McDonald's, occupying a branch of Barclays or desecrating a War Memorial...
    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:15
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Jimmy wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:10
    Fair play Jimmy, your bizarre world is quite amusing

  18. #18

    Re: man crush ?

    The Corbyn nay-sayers are convinced that the only way for Labour to win the next election is to elect a leader capable of convincing some of the 25% of the electorate who voted Conservative to switch to Labour. They seem incapable of imagining that the 5% of voters that Labour needs to win could equally come from the 33% of the electorate who didn't bother to vote in May - many of whom are under the age of 25. If Jeremy Corbyn is able to inspire this generation, he could win in 2020 without pandering to the Conservatives.

  19. #19

    Re: man crush ?

    Archi - this part of the thread is about Vim's dream that I wrote an article - dont spoil it by trying to drag it back to boring old stats and if's and maybe's that may happen in 2020.

    The general psyche of the UK voting community has always been from the centre ground - we dont as a voting public tend to back extreme right or left

    I hope both Tom Watson and Jerry Corbyn get elected as it will give people a real choice come 2020 - I think by then the 72 year old Corbyn will not be up for it - and will also have significantly watered down his politics.

    ps who was the last labour leader who has actually won a general election from the far left ?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Vim nice but dim

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Jimmy wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:31
    Goslow - please dont shatter Dim Vim's world - if he wants to believe I wrote that - let him carry on

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NECS wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:44
    "There are too many in the Labour Party (and more than a few on here) who yearn after the freedom of perpetual Opposition. They will wave their pathetic Socialist Workers placards and intone the moronic "Tories Out" as they march through the streets tilting at windmills (otherwise known as breaking the windows in the local McDonald's, occupying a branch of Barclays or desecrating a War Memorial...
    Quote Originally Posted by goslow wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:26
    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:15
    Fair play Jimmy, your bizarre world is quite amusing
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Jimmy wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:10
    Thats a quote from the article NECS posted.

  22. #22
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    way out west

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NECS wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:44
    "There are too many in the Labour Party (and more than a few on here) who yearn after the freedom of perpetual Opposition. They will wave their pathetic Socialist Workers placards and intone the moronic "Tories Out" as they march through the streets tilting at windmills (otherwise known as breaking the windows in the local McDonald's, occupying a branch of Barclays or desecrating a War Memorial...
    Quote Originally Posted by goslow wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:26
    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:15
    Fair play Jimmy, your bizarre world is quite amusing
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Jimmy wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:10
    Thats a quote from the article NECS posted.
    I accept my with grace and with humility.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 13:23
    "There are too many in the Labour Party (and more than a few on here) who yearn after the freedom of perpetual Opposition. They will wave their pathetic Socialist Workers placards and intone the moronic "Tories Out" as they march through the streets tilting at windmills (otherwise known as breaking the windows in the local McDonald's, occupying a branch of Barclays or desecrating a War Memorial...
    Quote Originally Posted by NECS wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:44
    Quote Originally Posted by goslow wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:26
    Fair play Jimmy, your bizarre world is quite amusing
    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:15
    Thats a quote from the article NECS posted.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Jimmy wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 11:10
    I may sue.

  24. #24

    Re: man crush ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Jimmy wrote on Sun, 02 August 2015 12:08
    Archi - this part of the thread is about Vim's dream that I wrote an article - dont spoil it by trying to drag it back to boring old stats and if's and maybe's that may happen in 2020.
    In its entire history Labour has never had a far left leader and no one standing to be leader now is of a far left persuasion.

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