In 2015 this country held a general election, the Tory manifesto included

"Have an in/out referendum on Britain's membership of the EU before the of 2017"

Many in this country who I would previously thought, were labour voters and during the EU years did very nicely, two homes and renting out to those who didn’t have one, EU linked pensions, Jobs, two/three cars, nice home, swanky restaurants and then suddenly went quiet whilst an underclass was emerging in this country, this under class was being stamped on, starting during the yuppie filofax breed of the 80’s, through the 90’s, & 00’s, all the time the distribution of wealth getting narrower, those having the most, earning and keeping more, those with next to nothing, keeping next to nothing and nothing to look forward to either, going on Demos shouting Thatcher out might have been seen to be the right thing to do and given a caring credibility to your status but the reality is that, you had a chance at the ballot box to stop this, although with Blair, the choice was now not so clear, but onto 2015, the referendum issue was known and documented yet, Cameron got home with a majority verdict, a vote for Jeremy Corbyn would have knocked this in the head there and then.

unite the union were suggesting a referendum as a labour policy for this election, Ed Balls disagreed, Len McCluskey warned the party that it risked being boxed in at the 2015 general election unless it dropped its opposition to matching David Cameron's promise to allow voters a say.

Asked on BBC2's Newsnight whether there was "no question that an incoming Labour government would ever offer an in/out referendum on Europe", Mr Balls replied: "That would be a silly thing for us to say."

"We made a very clear commitment: if there is any proposal in the next parliament for a transfer of powers to Brussels we will have an in/out referendum.

"We are not proposing a referendum now because we think to spend two or three years blighting investment and undermining our economy on the prospect of a referendum which David Cameron says he is going to have after he gets an unknown package of reforms would be bad for jobs and investment.

"If Len McCluskey is supporting the David Cameron position, I disagree with Len McCluskey."

There are a couple of issues here, the Labour party would not have had a referendum during this parliament and, labour at the time believed that a referendum would be bad for jobs and investment.

So I say to those, if you want to get into the blame game, start looking at those who gave Cameron the mandate (I never, did you?) to call this election, and not those who for 20/30 years were chucked to one side whilst their jobs and dreams disappeared whilst everyone else mattered, except them, just look at the area’s which rejected remain, building an EU funded viaduct in aber somewhere isn’t going to replace the 20/30 years of being scrapped by their successive governments I keep being reminded of the money that Wales received from the EU, whilst Neil and Glenys & the Senedd have done very nicely from it, 3 generations in the valleys have hardly seen a penny of it.

If it cleans your soul, you can carry on blaming the over 50’s all you like, but start looking at the real issue and where it all started from, the forgotten got their say in the end and I for one don’t blame them although think it was a poor decision. Politicians are totally remote from the electorate and got away with it for years, that changed yesterday, perhaps voters who have been dumbed down for years will get their head out of Xfactor, big brother and dancing on ice and actually be aware of what politicians do and use their vote when they can to pull the rug from under their feet and not stare into their smart phone and quietly endorse them, my youngster may suffer just like others from this, but he hasn’t gone sulking on social media (not that I know of!!) and slating others and whilst only recently being a little interested in what politicians do I’m sure will use his vote every single time in future, he didn’t vote for Cameron either BTW.

I would suggest you edit your post to “Dear Conservatives”

Look at all the terrible things that people are now worried about,
The Stirling price
There house value
The value of their shares
The value of their pensions
2,000 bankers losing their jobs
The cost of holidays abroad

I’m sure the UK’s homeless, destitute and the forgotten of the 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, will be devastated by all this financial news.